Thursday, 21 July 2011

Road Trippin'

I got to know RHCP late, in 2005, I was rather prejudiced against them, thought them a bunch of porkies of some kind, nevertheless I started listening to the album Californication, as the songs went by I found I quite liked them, there was a sort of sensuality in the voice that paired beautifully to a music sounding direct and ever slightly raw, creating an uncompairable style. Then at the end there was Road Trippin, it completely captured my attention, almost had me crying, so simple yet so deeply poetic. That song made me completely fall in love with RHCP, I understood then that whatever said and done, there had to be something more profound in somebody able to write such a song than what a superficial glance could catch. After I did some research and learned about the band and the member's stories and although I now possess the full discography and enjoy most of their work past and present, Californication is still the one I feel more intimate with. There is so much soul and sufference yet deep joy to be found again, in that album, I feel I can almost touch the feelings in it and often even make them my own. To me it is an absolute masterpiece.